Frogs and Water

We knew that "Swimming Hole" was a cache not far from home and finally decided to seek it. Earlier in the week we had picked up "Spot the Frog", a moveable cache found under the Geocache Australia website and needed to deposit the little fellow somewhere. As frogs like water and this one had spent a few months on a dry hillside it seemed appropriate to lodge near a creek, so finding "Swimming Hole" was combined with the task.

We could work out the starting spot even without a GPS and soon had the next stage entered in the GPS. Much to Peter's surprise it led us back down rather than up the creek and we ended beside a fence. A bit of searching and head scratching saw us give up for now and head off to lodge our little froggy.

On return home Sue scanned through past logs and discovered several people also ended up where we did and then found this was several metres out. This has encouraged us to head back to the GZ soon and to ignore the GPS for once.

After the unsuccessful attempt on "Swimming Hole" we then went on to take "Spot the Frog" and deposit to a new location. The spot is up the valley a bit and with the tree cover the accuracy of the GPS was 7 metres, so that needs to be kept in mind as you get close.


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